SOMA 2014 Astrophysics Explorer Missions of Opportunity (MO).

2018 Heliophysics Science Missions of Opportunity


2014 Astrophysics Small Explorer (SMEX)


2018 Heliophysics Science MO Program Library

This library includes documents available electronically via the Internet; many documents are also available as a paper copy from their original source. Note that not all referenced documents are actually hosted on the SOMA server. These documents may be downloaded from their host location via installed hyperlinks. It is incumbent upon the proposer to ensure that the documents used in proposal preparation are of the date and/or revision as listed in this Program Library.

View Change Log  - Last Updated: 06/25/2020

Documents Referenced by PEA

  1. NASA 2018 Strategic Plan, NPD 1001.0C
  2. 2014 Science Plan for NASA's Science Mission Directorate
  3. Our Dynamic Space Envoronment: Heliophysics Science and Technology Roadmap for 2014-2033
  4. STP Program Plan, STP-PLAN-0005 Rev. B
  5. Explorers Program Plan, EXP-PLAN-0001 Rev. B
  6. NASA Space Flight Program and Project Management Requirements, NPR 7120.5E Change 15
  7. EHPD Mission Assurance Requirements (MAR) Mission Risk Classification - NPR 7120.5 Class D, EHPD-RQMT-0003
  8. EHPD Mission Assurance Requirements (MAR) Mission Risk Classification - NPR 7120.5 Class C, EHPD-RQMT-0001
  9. ISS Documentation for ISS Hosted Instruments
    1. External Payloads Proposers Guide to ISS, SPP 51071 - Baseline
    2. ISSP Management JEM-EF Power & Flow Design Directive
    3. Proposer ISS Instrument Resource Accommodation Table
    4. Proposer Requested ISS Resource Table
  10. Scientific Balloon Missions of Opportunity
  11. Program Level Dispenser and CubeSat Requirements
  12. CubeSat Documentation for Deploying from ISS
    1. NanoRacks CubeSat Deployer (NRCSD) Interface Control Document
    2. NanoRacks DoubleWide Deployer (NRDD) System Interface Definition Document (IDD)
    3. Document Change Notice, Maximum CubeSat Mass and Vibration Test Spectra
    4. Document Change Notice, NRCSD Guide Rail Width
  13. LSP Small Payload Access to Space Catalog
  14. Risk Classification for NASA Payloads(Updated w/change 3), NPR 8705.4
  15. Class D Documents
  16. NASA Systems Engineering Handbook, NASA/SP-2016-6105 Rev 2
  17. Launch Services Risk Mitigation Policy for NASA-Owned and/or NASA-Sponsored Payloads/Missions, NPD 8610.7D Change 1
  18. Launch Vehicle Technical Oversight Policy, NPD 8610.23C
  19. Guidelines and Criteria for the Phase A Concept Study (Amended on May 19, 2020)
  20. NASA's Mission Specific Launch Vehicle Secondary Payload Adapter System Interface Specifications (SIS) For Heliophysics Missions of Opportunity (Updated on June 11, 2020)
    1. NASA's Mission Specific Launch Vehicle Secondary Payload Adapter System Interface Specifications (SIS) For Heliophysics Missions of Opportunity - Revision 3
  21. Evolved Expendable Launch Vehicle Rideshare User's Guide
  22. RUAG PAS 610S CAD models
    1. Active Ring Model
    2. Passive Ring Model
    3. Release Envelope
    4. Installation Envelope
  23. IMAP Transfer Trajectory Initial State

Documents Referenced by SALMON-3

  1. SMD Mission Extention Paradigm
  2. NASA WBS Handbook, NASA/SP-2010-3404
  3. NASA Systems Engineering Processes and Requirements (Updated w/Change 4), NPR 7123.1B
  4. Launch Service Program (LSP) Advisory Services Plan, LSP-PLN-326.01 - Rev. Basic-2
  5. ELV Launch Services Program Information Summary
  6. U.S. Space Transportation Policy
  7. NEPA - Key Milestones and Cost and Launch Approval Cost Table
  8. NASA's Mission Operations and Communications Services, SCaN-MOCS-0001 Revision 1
  9. SMD Student Collaboration
    (NOTE: References and email addresses in this document are unreliable. For example, the guide does not reflect changes to NASA grant and cooperative regulations reflecting new OMB Uniform Guidance, 2 CFR Part 200, implemented by NASA on December 26, 2014.)
  10. Table of Cost Elements for NASA Center Budget Proposals
  11. Managerial Cost Acconting Concepts and Standards for the Federal Government
  12. TRL 6 Example
  13. NASA Inflation Tables
  14. Template Tables in the SALMON-3 AO in Microsoft Excel
    • Table B1: Example Science Traceability Matrix
    • Table B2: Example Mission Traceability Matrix
    • Table B3a: Total Mission Cost RY$ Profile Template
    • Table B3b: Total Mission Cost FY$ Profile Template
    • Table B4: Master Equipment List
  15. NASA Procedural Requirements for Limiting Orbital Debris, NPR 8715.6B
  16. NASA Process for Limiting Orbital Debris, NASA-STD-8719.14A

Documents Referenced by CSR Guidelines (NOTE: Step-2 addition)

  1. NASA Plan for Increasing Access to the Results of Scientific Research
  2. Program Level Requirements Appendix (PLRA) Examples
    [Examples updated to more recent example documents on April 28,2020]
  3. Mission Definition Requirements Agreement (MDRA) Example
    [Example updated to more recent example document on April 30, 2020. Submission, as part of the CSR, of a draft MDRA based on previous examples is acceptable]
  4. Sample International Agreements
  5. Agency Risk Management Procedural Requirements, NPR 8000.4B
  6. CSR Conflicted Party List
  7. Launch Service Interface Requirements Document (LSIRD) Secondary Payload Supplement for Heliophysics Missions of Opportunity
  8. Security Requirements for Cryptographic Modules, FIPS PUB 140-2
  9. Space System Protection Standard, NASA-STD-1006
  10. FAQs for Protecting Spaceborne Assets 13-May-2020

NASA and Federal Documents

  1. Curation of Institutional Scientific Collections, NPD 7100.10F
  2. NASA General Safety Program Requirements, NPR 8715.3D Change 10
  3. Initiation and Development of International Cooperation in Space and Aeronautics Programs, NPD 1360.2B Change 1
  4. NASA Software Engineering Requirements, NPR 7150.2B
  5. Procurement, Grants, and Cooperative Agreements, NPD 5101.32E Change 2
  6. NASA National Environmental Policy Act Management Requirements, NPR 8580.1A Change 1
  7. Launch Services Risk Mitigation Policy for NASA-Owned and/or NASA Sponsored Payload/Missions, NPD 8610.7D Change 1
  8. Software Assurance Standard, NASA-STD-8739.8 Change 1
  9. Dispenser and CubeSat Program Level Requirements Violation and Waiver Process
  10. Risk Classification for NASA Payloads (Updated w/change 3), NPR 8705.4
  11. Communications and Material Review, NPD 2521.1B
  12. Requirements for Documentation, Approval and Dissemination of Scientific and Technical Information, NPR 2200.2D
  13. Assessment of TRL in AO-Based Evaluations and Common Causes of Major TRL Weaknesses
  14. An Example for Demonstrating Systems Level TRL

Additional NASA and Federal Documents

All NASA Policy Directives (NPD) and NASA Procedural Requirements (NPR) documents referenced in this AO may be found in the NASA Online Directives Information System (NODIS) Library (

NASA technical standards documents may be found in the public access portion of the NASA Standards and Technical Assistance Resource Tool (START) (
NASA technical reports may be found on the NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) (
The Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR) may be accessed at The following parts of the Federal Acquisition Regulations are referenced in this AO.
FAR 15.403-4, "Requiring certified cost or pricing data (10 U.S.C. 2306a and 41 U.S.C. 254b)"
FAR 15.406-2, "Certificate of Current Cost or Pricing Data"
FAR 33.101, "Protests Definitions"
FAR 52.219-8, "Utilization of Small Business Concerns"
FAR 52.219-9, "Small Business Subcontracting Plan"
FAR 52.222-26, "Equal Opportunity"
FAR 52.226-2, "Historically Black College or University and Minority Institution Representation"
FAR 52.227-11, "Patent Rights - Ownership by the Contractor"
FAR 52.227-14, "Rights in Data - General"
FAR 52.233-2, "Service of Protest"

The NASA FAR Supplement (NFS) may be accessed at The following parts of the NASA FAR Supplement are referenced in this AO.

NFS 1815.208, "Submission, modification, revision, and withdrawal of proposals"
NFS 1835.016-70, "Foreign participation under broad agency announcements"
NFS 1852.225-71, "Restriction on Funding Activity with China"
NFS 1852.225-72, "Restriction on funding Activity with China - Representation"
NFS 1852.227-11, "Patent Rights--Retention by the Contractor"
NFS 1852.227-70, "New Technology"
NFS 1852.227-71, "Requests for Waiver of Rights to Inventions"
NFS 1852.233-70, "Protests to NASA"
NFS 1852.234-2, "Earned Value Management System"
NFS 1872.308, "Proposals submitted by NASA investigators"
NFS 1872.403-1, "Advisory subcommittee evaluation process"
NFS 1872.705-1, "Appendix A: General instructions and provisions"

NASA Procurement Information Circulars (PICs) may be accessed at

The Code of Federal regulations (CFR) may be accessed at The following parts of the Code of Federal Regulations are referenced in this AO.

14 CFR Part 1250, "Nondiscrimination in Federally-Assisted Programs of NASA"
14 CFR Part 1265, "Governmentwide Debarment and Suspension (Nonprocurement)"
15 CFR Parts 730-774, "Export Administration Regulations"
22 CFR Parts120-130, "International Traffic in Arms Regulations"

The United States Code (USC) may be accessed at The following parts of the United States Code are referenced in this AO.

42 USC 4321 et seq., "National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, as amended (NEPA)"

Executive Orders may be accessed at The following Executive Orders are referenced in this AO.

Executive Order 12114, "Environmental effects abroad of major Federal actions" (see

Homeland Security Presidential Directive HSPD-12 (see