< LaRC Science Office for Mission Assessments: PI Masters Forums 13
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Science Office for Mission Assessments - SOMA

Science Office for Mission Assessments - SOMA

PI Masters Forum 13

Principal Investigator Team Masters Forum 13

The Science Mission Directorate (SMD) and SOMA conducted its thirteenth Principal Investigator (PI) Team Masters Forum on June 20, 2024.

This PI Team knowledge-sharing event is being held following the major science mission announcement of opportunity (AO) Phase A selections as established by SMD Policy Directive 13B (SPD-13B). The purpose of this Forum is to enable engagement, sharing, and learning from colleagues in relevant science missions through their stories, shared experiences, and lessons learned as a means to enhance the probability of executing a mission successfully.

PI Masters Forum #13 - Agenda
June 20, 2024
Time (EDT) Presentation Presenter
2:40 PM PI Forum Welcome Geoff Yoder, Facilitator
2:45 PM SOMA Lessons Learned Tony Tyler, NASA Acquisition Manager
3:00 PM PI Lessons Learned Chris Ruf, CYGNSS PI
3:20 PM PI Lessons Learned Jim Garvin, DAVINCI+ & GSFC Chief Scientist
3:45 PM Break
4:00 PM PM Lessons Learned Jeff Volosin, TESS PM
4:20 PM Writing Level I Requirements Jared Leisner, Program Scientist, NASA HQ
4:50 PM Q&A Geoff Yoder, Facilitator
5:05 PM Closing Remarks Thorsten Markus, ESE Program Scientist
5:10 PM Adjourn