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Science Office for Mission Assessments - SOMA

Science Office for Mission Assessments - SOMA

PI Masters Forum 15

Principal Investigator Team Masters Forum 15

The Science Mission Directorate (SMD) and SOMA conducted its fourteenth Principal Investigator (PI) Team Masters Forum on November 15, 2024.

This PI Team knowledge-sharing event is being held following the major science mission announcement of opportunity (AO) Phase A selections as established by SMD Policy Directive 13B (SPD-13B). The purpose of this Forum is to enable engagement, sharing, and learning from colleagues in relevant science missions through their stories, shared experiences, and lessons learned as a means to enhance the probability of executing a mission successfully.

PI Masters Forum #15 - Agenda
November 15, 2024
Time (EDT) Presentation Presenter
9:00 AM Opening Remarks Geoff Yoder, NASA Retired Senior Executive
9:15 AM Participant Introductions Geoff Yoder, NASA Retired Senior Executive
9:30 AM JWST Programmatic Considerations / Optics Eric Smith, JWST Program Scientist / Lee Feinberg (NASA/GSFC)
10:00 AM PI Lessons Learned IXPE Brian Ramsey, IXPE Deputy PI, (NASA/MSFC)
10:25 AM Break
10:45 AM PM Lessons Learned DAVINCI/ OSIRIS REx Arlin Bartels, DAVINCI Project Manager, (NASA/GSFC)
11:10 AM PI Lessons Learned OSIRIS REx Anjani Polit, OSIRIS - APEX Deputy PI
11:35 AM DAA Insights: Observations from Past Experiences / Q&A Mr. Geoff Yoder, NASA Retired Senior Executive
12:05 PM Closing Remarks Pat Knezek, APEX Program Scientist, Astrophysics Division, NASA Science Mission Directorate (NASA/HQ)
12:30 PM Adjourn Mr. Geoff Yoder, NASA Retired Senior Executive