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Science Office for Mission Assessments - SOMA

Science Office for Mission Assessments - SOMA

PI Masters Forum 9

Principal Investigator Team Masters Forum 9

The Science Mission Directorate (SMD) and SOMA conducted its ninth Principal Investigator (PI) Team Masters Forum on April 23, 2020.

This PI Team knowledge-sharing event is being held following the major science mission announcement of opportunity (AO) Phase A selections as established by SMD Policy Directive 13B (SPD-13B). The purpose of this Forum is to enable engagement, sharing, and learning from colleagues in relevant science missions through their stories, shared experiences, and lessons learned as a means to enhance the probability of executing a mission successfully.

PI Masters Forum #9 - Agenda
April 23, 2020
Session TitleTimeSpeakers/Panelists
Lessons Learned SOMA
Odilyn Luck, Astrophysics Explorers Step 1 Acquistion Manager, SOMA, NASA LaRC
Lessons Learned TESS

Jeff Volosin
Writing Level 1 Requirements

Jared Leisner, Program Scientist, Heliophysics Division, NASA HQ