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Science Office for Mission Assessments - SOMA

Science Office for Mission Assessments - SOMA

LaRC Science Office for Mission Assessments HomePage

Standard AO Information

The Science Mission Directorate (SMD) solicits proposals for flight mission investigations via Announcements of Opportunity (AOs). Solicitation principles and policies applicable to these acquisitions are provided in the NASA Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR) Supplement (NFS) Section 1872 ( SMD develops each individual AO solicitation by customizing an SMD framework document, the Standard AO Template. SMD reviews and revises the Standard AO Template periodically to incorporate updates and improvements. The current Standard AO can be found [on this page, at the first link below].
Release of Standard AO Template v5.0 was announced on November 7, 2018, via NSPIRES and FedBizOpps, and posted at the Standard AO Template link below. Comments on the Standard AO Template may be submitted for consideration during its regular ongoing development.

Dr. Michael New:
Mr. Washito Sasamoto:


Standard AO Templates