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Science Office for Mission Assessments - SOMA

Science Office for Mission Assessments - SOMA

PI Masters Forum 7

Principal Investigator Team Masters Forum 7

The Science Mission Directorate (SMD) and SOMA conducted its seventh Principal Investigator (PI) Team Masters Forum September 20, 2017 in Crystal City, VA.
The forum brings together teams from the Astrophysics and Heliophysics Explorers announcement of opportunity (AO) process to gain a better understanding of the role of a Principal Investigator (PI) at NASA. Master practitioners from past science missions will share stories, perspectives, lessons learned, and best practices with their colleagues.
Click here to view the Program.

PI Masters Forum #7 - Agenda
September 20, 2017
Hilton Crystal City, 2399 jefferson Davis Highway, Crystal City, VA
Session TitleTimeSpeakers/Panelists
Formal Welcome & Opening Remarks
- Welcome, Agenda Review
- Attendee Introductions
Ed Wieler, Moderator
SMD Introduction/Overview
Dennis Andrucyk / SMD DAA
SMD Management of PI-Led Missions: Guidance and Expectations (PANEL)
- Introduction of Panelists (5 min)
- Guidance and Expectations:
- Discussion / Q&A (25 min)
Panel Host: Ed Weiler
Andrea Razzaghi/Astro Dep Div Dir
Peg Luce/Heliophysics Div Dir (act)
Linda Sparke, Dan Moses / PS
Willis Jenkins, Mark Sistilli / PE
Lessons from Previous Explorer Missions - PI PANEL
- Introduction of Panelists (5 min)
- ICON (15 min)
- NICER (15 min)
- WISE (15 min)
- NuSTAR (15 min)
- Level 1 and Level 2 Requirements (20 min)
- Discussion / Q&A (40 min)
Panel Host: Ed Weiler Thomas Immel / PI
Keith Gendreau / PI
Ned Wright / PI
Fiona Harrison / PI
Fiona Harrison / PI
Lessons from Previous Explorer Missions - PM PANEL
- Introduction of Panelists (5 min)
- ASTRO-H (15 min)
- CYGNSS (15 min)
- NICER (15 min)
- IRIS (15 min)
- Discussion / Q&A (35 min)
Panel Host: Ed Weiler
Cynthia Simmons / PM
John Scherrer / PM
Sridhar Manthipragada / PM
Gary Kushner / PM
Explorers Program Office Role (PANEL)
Panel Host: Ed Weiler
Nick Chrissotimos / Explorer PM
Greg Frazier / Explorer DPM
Christine Hinkle/Explorer Bus Mgr
Break(Feedback Form)
Dealing with Resource Challenges (PANEL)
Panel Host: Ed Weiler
Jim Russell / AIM PI
Charlie Sobeck / Kepler PM
SOMA Analysis of Previous PI Missions Performance
Carlos Liceaga/NASA SOMA
Closing Remarks
Ed Weiler, Moderator